11 December it was!
The eve of Rajinikanth's Birthday!
The celebrations for Superstar's Birthday started in the campus. Sambhar Mafia, the official thamizh junta of IIMB, celebrated this Thiruvizha (festival) with such grandeur! The mess was decorated with huge posters of Rajini. Charts with collage of loads and loads of Rajini photos adorned the walls! From 7:00 pm, all superhit songs of Rajini were played in the mess. Thus, the environment was all set for a huge celebration!The junta was also ready with drums and whistles (none of us knew how to whistle without the whistle!!!)

Posters and collage in mess

Life-size banner, posters, special sweets, birthday-cake, Crackers, poosani kaai, karpooram - all the stuff required for a full-fledged celebration - u name it, we had it! We screened the superhit movie Padayappa on big screen which ended at 11:55 pm on 11th Dec. Not only the Thamizhs, but lots of non-thamizh people also to join us to watch the movie and take part in the celebrations!

The 'enthu' crowd just before the movie... That's "yours truly" in the extreme right!

The movie ended at 11:55... Bursting of crackers started immediately - all over the hostel blocks! And at 12 Midnite, one of my friends, Manoj, who dressed up as SuperStar, did some typical Rajini styles! Then our own "superstar" Manoj cut the cake...

Manoj, the IIMB Superstar, performing the famous cooling-glass trick!

Then it was the time to "drishti suththi-fy" for Superstar! Our student-president, Sathya, did the honours by showing the camphor-lit poosani kaai in front of the life-size banner of superstar...When Sathya finally broke the "poosani kaai" the entire hostel was filled with chants of "thalaivar...vaazhga"!!! The next thing on our schedule was distribution of sweets to everyone in the hostel - door delivery - which was completed by 1:30 am!

President Sathya with the Poosani Kaai

It was a whole new experience as none of us have seen or been a part of anything like this before!
By Aravind on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 at 6:08 PM Post Categories:
  1. Anonymous

    wow people tats a gr8 tribute 2 thalaivar...

  1. Aravind

    @ tilak:
    Indeed, it was great... U missed all the fun, da!

  1. Kaps

    We didn't have such celebrations. We used to have a Sambhar Mafia nite which had some skits featuring Veerappan and Rajini and also some light music. It used to culminate with a Rajini movie in the Rec room.

  1. Anonymous

    HaHaHa Sounds like too much fun. The best part is that none of you could whistle. Haiyo!

  1. DD

    Sooper machi! Keep the enthu flowing! Missing campus now :(

  1. Aravind

    @ Kaps:
    Veerappan and Rajini...hmmm. interesting :)

    @wicked angel:
    yeah... it was great fun indeed!!!
    thanx for dropping by!

    hee hee... come to campus some time da!

  1. Unknown


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  1. Aravind

    @ Natarajan:
    Thanx for dropping by...

    I came to know of ur great initiative thru Varun...I have been regularly visiting ur site...
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  1. Unknown

    thats awesome!! me too join in sayin "thalaivar vaazhga!!" :)

  1. Aravind

    @ praveen:
    thanx for dropping by!

  1. Govar

    Sounds awesome! Regretting for not having nothing in our campus! :(

  1. Anonymous

    awesome buddy, we got a huge fan base here at IIM-I too for thalaivar. only that we guys were having our term break and missed out on the celebrations

    ON behlaf of all Rajni Fans :)

  1. Aravind

    @ Govar:
    adutha varusham pannunga :)

    Good to know that there is a good fan base in IIMI too :)

  1. Anonymous

    you know what you should do.. make a compilation of these pics and send it to rajinikanth .. he might see it..

  1. Anonymous

    Great article! Thanks.

  1. Anonymous

    Thanks for interesting article.

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  1. Anonymous

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  1. Anonymous

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